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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Xu

The Science Behind Red Light Therapy: Exploring the Benefits and Effects

The science behind red light therapy has many benefits.

Science Behind Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy, also known as red LED light therapy or photobiomodulation, is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to promote healing and rejuvenation in the body. This new therapy is receiving a lot of attention.

It has many health benefits. Increasing scientific evidence shows that it works. This article discusses how red light therapy can benefit healing wounds, improving skin conditions, reducing body fat, and more.

It explores the scientific principles behind this therapy. Studies have shown that red light therapy has positive effects on wound healing. It can also help improve various skin conditions. Additionally, researchers have found that it helps reduce body fat.

The Healing Power of Red and Near-Infrared Light

Research since the year 2000 shows how different types of light can affect our body's chemistry and health. Of particular interest are red (RED) and near-infrared (NIR) light, which have demonstrated remarkable therapeutic potential.

Our eyes can see red light and our skin absorbs it. Near-infrared light is invisible to us but penetrates deeper into the body. This light benefits mitochondria, cells, organs, and glands.

In the last 20 years, there have been many studies on using red and near-infrared light for therapy. These studies show that this type of light can help our bodies in different ways. We can categorize these effects into nine key areas, each offering unique benefits for our overall well-being.

  • Recovery & Athletic Performance

  • Hormonal System

  • Skin, Hair & Nails

  • Sleep & Circadian Rhythm

  • Musculoskeletal System

  • Mental & Cognitive Function

  • Reduction of Inflammation

  • Eyesight

  • Longevity & Vitality

you can use red light therapy for recovery from hard workouts.

Recovery & Athletic Performance

With the science behind red light therapy, one of the most popular applications of red light therapy is its use in enhancing athletic performance and promoting post-exercise recovery. Red light therapy boosts energy in cells and collagen production, leading to stronger muscles, faster recovery, and less fatigue. Several scientific studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in improving muscle performance, reducing muscle damage biomarkers, and enhancing muscle strength gains in athletes and individuals with muscle injuries.

For instance, a meta-analysis examining the effects of red light therapy on exercise performance found positive results, including improved time to exhaustion, number of repetitions, isometric peak torque, and reduced blood lactate levels. Moreover, near-infrared light therapy has been shown to enhance muscle hypertrophic response and strength gains when applied before eccentric training. These findings highlight the potential of red light therapy in optimizing athletic performance and accelerating muscle recovery.

Red light therapy helps with balancing your hormones

Hormonal System

The hormonal system plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Red and near-infrared light therapy has been found to have a positive impact on various endocrine glands, including the thyroid gland and testosterone production in both men and women. Studies have shown that red light therapy can increase testosterone levels, improve thyroid function, and enhance spermatogenesis in men. Similarly, women can benefit from targeted red light therapy in the crotch area, which can increase testosterone production and promote overall hormonal balance.

Have healthier skin hair and nails with red light therapy.

Skin, Hair & Nails

As we age, the natural synthesis of collagen in our body gradually declines, leading to the formation of wrinkles and a decrease in the quality of hair and nails. Red and near-infrared light therapy offer a solution to combat these signs of aging by stimulating collagen production and promoting skin rejuvenation. Scientific studies have shown that red light therapy is effective in the treatment of acne vulgaris and improves hair counts in individuals with androgenetic alopecia.

Moreover, red and near-infrared light therapy have been found to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and increase skin collagen density. These therapies also have anti-inflammatory properties, making them effective in accelerating wound healing and increasing collagen synthesis. The use of red light therapy has also demonstrated positive effects on skin moisture and wrinkle reduction in women.

Get better sleep with red light therapy.

Sleep & Circadian Rhythm

The circadian rhythm regulates our body's natural processes on a 24-hour cycle. To improve our body clock, avoid blue light before bed and get bright light in the morning. Red light therapy helps regulate our sleep cycle by imitating the sunrise's light spectrum, making it an ideal solution. Studies have shown that red light therapy can improve sleep quality, increase melatonin secretion, and reduce sleep disturbances.

Strengthen your bones with red light therapy.

Musculoskeletal System

Red and near-infrared light therapy offer significant benefits for our musculoskeletal system, including the prevention and regeneration of joints, tendons, and bones. These therapies reduce inflammation and promote collagen synthesis, two crucial factors for maintaining a strong musculoskeletal system. Scientific studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of near-infrared light therapy in treating knee osteoarthritis and improving microcirculation.

Also, red and infrared light can speed up bone healing and boost the growth of bone cells, collagen, and new bone. This study shows that red and near-infrared light therapy can keep muscles and bones healthy and prevent damage.

Improve mental health and cognitive ability with red light therapy.

Mental & Cognitive Function

Red and near-infrared light therapy have a positive impact on our brain, psyche, and mood. Researchers have found that these therapies effectively treat depressive episodes, seasonal depression, and improve cognitive function. Research has shown that near-infrared light therapy can be beneficial for depression and anxiety. It can also help protect the brain in patients with diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Red and near-infrared light therapy can reduce chronic migraine symptoms like headaches, medication use, and pain levels. These treatments may help improve thinking skills and lessen symptoms in patients with brain injuries and PTSD.

Reduce inflammation with red light therapy

Reduction of Inflammation

The science behind red light therapy has shown that red and near-infrared light therapy effectively reduce inflammation throughout the body. These therapies can target local inflammation, such as inflamed nodules, strained tendons, or chronic joint inflammation. Red and near-infrared light therapy can help reduce pain, improve function, and heal wounds in different inflammatory conditions.

Studies show red and near-infrared light therapy can reduce inflammation in the brain, lungs, abdomen, and wounds. These treatments are a safe and effective laternative to NSAIDs, without the side effects of regular anti-inflammatory medications.


Red and near-infrared light therapy can help our eyes and vision, while too much light exposure can hurt them. Red light helps with seeing colors in low-light conditions. Near-infrared light treats eye and brain diseases such as macular degeneration. These therapies offer a unique approach to counteracting the negative effects of blue light and improving overall eye health.

Red light therapy can help you live longer.

Longevity & Vitality

Red and near-infrared light therapy may help people live longer and healthier lives. By enhancing mitochondrial function, these therapies directly influence the lifespan of cells, slowing down the aging process. Red and near-infrared light therapy can help brain cells, reduce inflammation, and improve gut health.

Red and near-infrared light therapy can effectively treat conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Research has proven that these therapies benefit individuals with these conditions by improving health outcomes. Studies have shown that red and near-infrared light therapy can be a successful treatment option for heart disease and stroke. These therapies hold immense promise in maintaining overall vitality and extending the healthy lifespan of our bodies.


Red light therapy has many benefits and its science is always growing, showing the amazing effects of this therapy. Red and near-infrared light therapy can help heal wounds, improve skin, reduce body fat, and boost brain function. It offers a holistic way to improve overall health and well-being. As research progresses, red light therapy will provide more ways for people to enhance their quality of life.

Note: This article is for educational purposes only. It is not a replacement for professional medical advice. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or therapy is essential.

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